Speakers & Topics

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Constantine Caramanis (U. of Texas, Austin, USA, Archimedes research unit)

Title: Online Learning

Abstract: In this session, we turn to dynamic problems in machine learning, where we must simultaneously learn and make decisions over time. In the so-called batch ML setup, we see all our data at once, and must find a single decision that fits the data as well as possible. Yet in many applications, data are revealed sequentially over time, and we must do our best at each point in time to take the best action. Though we will not focus on applications, there are in fact many and diverse applications of online learning. Important applications include dynamic pricing, network routing, portfolio management, and real-time bidding in advertising. 
This mini-course will cover three key ideas of online learning. We will first discuss online gradient descent and variants. Next, we will cover the basic ideas from follow-the-leader type algorithms. Finally, we will move to multi-armed bandits, and will cover the basic results for adversarial and stochastic bandits.
The ideas from convex and non-convex optimization you learned from Panayiotis Mertikopoulos will be directly relevant for much of this mini-course.

Link to lecture backbone slides

Daniele Durante (U. Bocconi, Milano, Italy)

Title: Statistical Learning of Networks

Abstract: Network data encoding complex relationship structures among a set of entities are ubiquitous in several disciplines covering, among others, social sciences, neurosciences, economics, ecology and genetics. Although the field of network science provides nowadays a complete set of models and methods for studying complex connectivity structures, the relevance of such data and the challenges associated with the analysis of modern networks, motivate still active and ongoing research in this field. The scope of this short course is to provide an overview of both classical and more recent algorithmic strategies and generative models which enable statistical learning of complex network structures. These will include, among others, community detection algorithms, force–directed placement solutions for graph drawing, exponential random graph models, stochastic block models and latent space models. The computational methods associated with these formulations will be also discussed and the practical performance will be illustrated via a number of real-world applications from political sciences, neuroscience and criminology.

Link to lecture slides

Panayotis Mertikopoulos (NKU of Athens, Greece, Archimedes research unit)

Title: Introduction to optimization for machine learning

Abstract: The quality of a machine learning model depends to a large extent on the optimization algorithms that have been used for its training. In this series of introductory lectures, we will examine a range of optimization algorithms – both stochastic and deterministic, for both convex and non-convex problems – and study their basic theoretical guarantees. Specifically, we will start with an overview of the classical theory of gradient descent in convex programming problems, the accelerated gradient descent algorithm of Nesterov, as well as the applications of the theory in stochastic and batch learning problems. Next, we will introduce non-convex programming problems, where we will study the convergence properties of the above algorithms (guarantees of avoiding saddle points, convergence rate, etc.), both in their deterministic and stochastic versions. Finally, if time permits, we will discuss more specific topics such as adaptive algorithms (like AdaGrad), second-order methods (Newton’s algorithm, etc.), and/or applications to min-max type problems

Annotated slides

Konstantinos Spiliopoulos (Boston University, USA)

Title: Normalization effects on deep neural networks and deep learning for scientific problems

We study the effect of normalization on the layers of deep neural networks. A given layer $i$ with $N_{i}$ hidden units is allowed to be normalized by $1/N_{i}^{\gamma_{i}}$ with $\gamma_{i}\in[1/2,1]$ and we study the effect of the choice of the $\gamma_{i}$ on the statistical behavior of the neural network’s output (such as variance) as well as on the test accuracy on the MNIST and CIFAR10 data sets. We find that in terms of variance of the neural network’s output and test accuracy the best choice is to choose the $\gamma_{i}$’s to be equal to one, which is the mean-field scaling. We also find that this is particularly true for the outer layer, in that the neural network’s behavior is more sensitive in the scaling of the outer layer as opposed to the scaling of the inner layers. The mechanism for the mathematical analysis is an asymptotic expansion for the neural network’s output. An important practical consequence of the analysis is that it provides a systematic and mathematically informed way to choose the learning rate hyperparameters. Such a choice guarantees that the neural network behaves in a statistically robust way as the $N_i$ grow to infinity.

Time permitting, I will discuss applications of these ideas to design of deep learning algorithms for scientific problems including solving high dimensional partial differential equations (PDEs), closure of PDE models and reinforcement learning.

Relevant papers:
1) K. Spiliopoulos and J. Yu, “Normalization effects on deep neural networks”, 2023, AIMS Journal on Foundations of Data Science, 2023, Volume 5, Issue 3: pp. 389-465, arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.01018, github: https://github.com/kspiliopoulos/NENN_Deep
2) K. Spiliopoulos and J. Yu, “Normalization effects on shallow neural networks and related asymptotic expansions”, 2021, AIMS Journal on Foundations of Data Science , June 2021, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 151-200, arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.10487, github: https://github.com/kspiliopoulos/NENN_Shallow
3) Justin Sirignano, K. Spiliopoulos and Jonathan MacArt, “PDE-constrained Models with Neural Network Terms: Optimization and Global Convergence”, 2023, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 481, 15 May 2023, 112016, arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.08633
4) Justin Sirignano, K. Spiliopoulos, “Asymptotics of Reinforcement Learning with Neural Networks”, (with Justin Sirignano), Stochastic Systems, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2022, pp. 2–29, arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.07304
5) Justin Sirignano, K. Spiliopoulos, “DGM: A deep learning algorithm for solving partial differential equations”, 2018, Journal of Computational Physics , Vol. 375, pp. 1339–1364, arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.07469
6) Justin Sirignano, K. Spiliopoulos, “Stochastic gradient descent in continuous time”, (with Justin Sirignano), 2017, SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 933–961, arXiv:https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.05545

Lecture slides

Costas Smaragdakis (NTUA and U. of Crete, Greece)

Hands-On Training: Learning the Black-Scholes price formula

This hands-on tutorial offers a step-by-step approach to replicating
the Black-Scholes pricing formula through a neural network model.
Beginning with a brief overview of option pricing and the Black-Scholes model,
we will implement a programming code to train the model using a dataset of
Black-Scholes formula inputs and corresponding option prices.
The tutorial focuses on practical implementation, enabling participants
to understand basic concepts of the process behind the adaptation of
the trainable parameters of simple models to estimate complex formulas.

Students can bring their laptops along and follow the tutorial live.

Part A : 22.06.2023

Part B : 22.06.2023

Synthetic Data Part A & Part B

Part C : 23.06.2023